Here are some bite-sized ideas for better writing:
- Test the NoNotify category - Testing the NoNotify category ...Continue Reading
- Test NoNotify 2 - This post has the NoNotify category. This should trigger the matching Code Snippet that will stop Jetpack from notifying me… ...Continue Reading
- Test more 2 - This is the long "Abracadabra" post. ...Continue Reading
- Test excerpt vs full - First fwfopuhgvrrqruhj9u h fawefuf wdffsdf as dsf adfs dwf asf f f ds sda sfad w sdadff fd ffd oooipo… ...Continue Reading
- Show off Page Header For Posts - Text is here. Where are the Astra settings? ...Continue Reading
- Reusable Advanced Columns - First a regular paragraph Free and low-cost taxfiling clinic list: The New Westminster Public Library has published a list of… ...Continue Reading
- Rein and reign - Rein is for horses, reign is for monarchs. ...Continue Reading
- New test post - A greeting and a bunch of placeholder text ...Continue Reading
- New block editor tools Aug2020 - Here is a paragraph, preceding the last-modified display This one precedes an image-comparer: ...Continue Reading
- Its and it’s - It's -- always short for "it is." Its -- always means "of it" or "belonging to it." It's hot today.… ...Continue Reading
Last Reviewed: 7 years